SRS is a registered provider of Support Coordination under the NDIS.
Support Coordination is provided to assist participants and their support network to navigate the NDIS, identify and engage supports and services that will be required with the funding that has been given.
Support Coordination is considered a Capacity Building Support—this means it is our role to impart all our skills and knowledge to yourself so you can navigate the NDIS and get the most out of your funding.
SRS Support Coordinators can assist you with Specialist Disability Accommodation applications and help you to explore mainstream and community housing options.
Support Coordination can assist you to engage with local therapists and explore assistive technology to assist you in your home and everyday life.
We will endeavor to assist you with capacity building yourself and your support network and look forward to working with you on this NDIS journey.
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Describe the benefits and advantages of this group of services.
Describe the benefits and advantages of this group of services.
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ABN: 88 441 353 792 | NDIS Provider: 40 5000 6832 | My Aged Care Service ID: 27394
Copyright © 2021 Sunraysia Residential Services Inc