Our mission is to continue to deliver person centered and creative supports that assist people with disabilities and aged care to reach their desired goals.
We strive to deliver high quality proactive supports with integrity, accountability and honest communication.
SRS properties are tailor designed to provide participants with the level of support they require to ensure can live as independently as possible, participate in the society, and have maximum choice and control over their lives.
SRS is dedicated to helping people live fulfilling and meaningful lives with our aged care services.
SRS Support Coordination provides NDIS participants and their families with the skills and knowledge to navigate the NDIS and get the most out of their funding.
SRS host a variety of educational and entertaining day programs, after school programs and school holidays programs for people with disabilities.
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ABN: 88 441 353 792 | NDIS Provider: 40 5000 6832 | My Aged Care Service ID: 27394
Copyright © 2021 Sunraysia Residential Services Inc